We will get addicted to your content the day you start doing this!

Your competition is probably fast asleep right now or overworking themselves on methods that produce poor results. You clicked this post because you acknowledge that even a slight improvement to your strategy can make you & times stronger than you already are.

Perhaps you already have a high amount of traffic, perhaps you are doing terribly. Either way, you may find this helpful or it may reinforce knowledge you already had.

Since you hate bloggers that ramble all day so let's get into it.

1. Don't go fishing without bait!

Now if something is going to be addictive to anyone, they have to consume it in the first place. In order for them to consume it, they have to be curious how it tastes.

Curiosity is your best friend when it comes to creating a hook for anything! So make sure you have bait! It may be your headline, it can be a gimmick that works or if it's a video on Youtube it could simply be a very magnetic thumbnail. Like the one below?

Some simple ways to create bait are

a) Create a catchy headline with a promise of exclusive value!
b) Beam the content on a platform people already trust (and promote yours)
c) Don't make them think they already know what you want to teach.

For instance a headline which says "5 Ways To Get Fit Naturally" may seem obvious to a person who has already read many other articles on the same topic and by now assumes you are going to list the things they already know.

But if you have a headline like, "5 Fitness Tips You Probably Didn't Know"

That raises curiosity! I am sure any member of the right audience will be willing to check that out in case it's something they'd never heard of (and do make sure it's indeed something they had never considered in that way).

2. It's not addictive if they are not going to want more afterwards!

They really need to embody Oliver Twist about your content!

In order for something to be considered addictive the person taking it has to want more and more of it. Think of why people become chain cigarette smokers.

So the general process is  after the hook (the bait) , they indulge, after they indulge they receive a reward, after the reward they invest in it and become more and more likely to be taken by the bait the next time.

Sounds simple in writing but of course is not as easy to implement.

Most addictions tend to facilitate the desires of our primordial brain. You know the true desires behind our so called "desires".

For example, getting ripped up with muscles for a young man is not the real desire... the real desire is what he wants to benefit from having them. Research what that is  and find creative ways to hint that he'll get that and you will not have a hard time selling the protein supplements or a gym subscription.

The same can be applied to content!

3. Create bigger bait, bigger promises, but...

So after you have applied the first two parts of this strategy, you need to create bigger bait, bigger promises but here's the catch!

There will be a catch on their part.

They have to give some form of investment to get the bigger stuff.

Think of it as this. You are suffering from low energy and anxiety and a friend of yours gives you a certain pill that relieves that pain in a way you had not imagined. You start taking this pill everytime the anxiety kicks in and it is working magic but you are also getting more curious if there is somethings stronger.

There are two possibilities once you are at that stage...

Either... Your friend  is going to introduce you to a stronger and more effective pill (and you will even be willing to pay, because the last one worked yet it was given freely)

Or you are going to search or research on that stronger pill elsewhere if he doesn't have it.

That's the same with content.

If you are not going to increase the dosage of what you've just given people through your content, as their curiosity rises they will seek it elsewhere, so retain them by having that bigger dose ready or lose them.

Investment can in the form of subscriptions or even a product purchase.

If it's subscription offer a free guide which requires them to subscribe in order to be able to download.


Download and print this blueprint... it's deeper than the post once you decode what it's saying and way easier to follow. I wish you the best in your content marketing. 

Feel free to follow me on Twitter @Mcpotar and cite that you read this blog so that i can follow back (if we don't already follow each other).

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