Dying May Be The Best Thing That Happens To Us In Life

 If we are honest, no emotions. Dying might be the one of the best things that ever happen in our lives. Dying lasts longer than living and doesn't require one to sustain it. It sustains itself after it kicks in.

The most complex disease of all is life. It is a different kind of disease because it is one everyone is fighting NOT TO to cure. It's cure is inevitable...
It's cure is death. When the ego is assassinated, we die in the flesh and ressurect in the spirit to be supreme beings that seek the Kingdom.
It is then that all the desires the ego was clinging to come easily. The sun shines freely when you dissipate those dark clouds of thought.
To let its rays raise the counternance of a withering rose. All dark clouds that block the earth from the sun are from itself. They are not from outer space.
That's why we meditate, to quiet the mind and clear our clouds of judgment form the mind and allow the light to illuminate it with energy.
Energy comes from the sun. A solar (SOULar SYSTEM) system has to exist in order for a planetary body to have life existing on it.
Tree's die without the sun and if they die, we die, because on the earth plane plants are the primary source of life.
In essense you have planted many seeds (which represent ideas) in the soil (which is your mind) and sometimes you need to recline a little, in the middle of chaos and allow your brain waves to slow down so that the clouds (internal chatter in the brain) dissipate and allow the SOULar RAYS to give insight to them, to give life to your ideas.

Nothing can be in sight without light so all insight is light. Usually we are hitting our toes on too many obstacles, because we are trying to work our ideas in the absense of light.
I said before:
All dark clouds that block the earth from the sun are from itself.
Did you know that during the lockdowns, when industry slowed down, scientists report that a lot of plant life started growing again and fish that hadn't been in certain areas for close to a century are starting to appear there.
The clouds we create with our industrial global economy have been detering life from flourishing.
Likewise the clouds that our egos help create when it makes us worry, be interested in other peoples business, judge others, worry how others perceive us... has been detering life from flourishing and promoting survival.
When the industries died a bit there was change. When the ego dies a bit... there is change and that change manifests itself on the individual.
Dead to his ego but ressurected as an immortally abundantant being who activates their SOULS purpose and maintains it as their SOLE purpose.

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