Every human being is searching for freedom. We are mistakenly under the impression that freedom is to be found through changing our circumstances or environment!
We want to control outside circumstances, including the reactions of others. Some people on this platform will literally block you if your comments trigger them and do not affirm their biases.
Not only on this platform. There is judgment of what is truth and what isn't on the basis of beliefs in a number of areas.
The insecurity we have is, "For my truth to be real everyone must be on board". We are social proof addicts.
A person who asks, "How do I look?" is not expecting you to say "terrible". You write a top 10 list of you favourite artists, people will try and correct you about who you left out (on your personal list).
The same insecurities that drive one man into homelessness may drive another into opulence and extravagance. The separation is in the physical yet both may be unified by the same insecurities.
We are postponing our own joy. Apparently we will be free when other people behave the way we want, believe what we prefer and validate our reality?
It is a popular perspective that changing something external will shift ones internal experience. It is sadly ingrained in human conditioning that its validity is rarely studied.
After-all fairy tales ended with the words, "And they lived happily ever after." They would live "happily ever after" after certain conditions had been met.
Happiness for the most part from the popular perspective is a conditional state, where one is happy if the external conditions reflect what their perspective of "good is" and they are sad when it is otherwise.
Unfortunately, if anything can make you happy it will make you extremely sad when it's taken from you. The feelings that something external must fulfil us are fueled by inadequacy.
It’s the very blueprint that creates and perpetuates the feelings of constraint, judgment, and overall suffering that we’re hoping to be free from.
We often look at high achievers as more confident than low achievers , yet they may be who they are from the same insecurities.
Some people are very good at sport, music, acting or very wealthy as a result of trying to prove a point that they were "someone" .
However even in as much as they have won awards, made money, been on the hottest shows. - When you praise them they genuinely still feel there is more to do, because those accolades alone cannot fulfill the hunger.
I say this a s a person who has interacted with different stars on a personal level.
The thirst!
Now this is not to let failure look good . No! I am in fact saying both failure and (material) success can emerge from sustained feelings of inadequacy. Note that I am not saying this applies to "ALL". I am also not undermining material success.
So what's the key?
Knowledge of self. Not knowledge of what is happening with Moana's parents, Mai TT, Pastor Java and other human sigils of success who unbeknown to you may be that successful and suffering more than you. (Again no reference on the individuals mentioned)
I am just saying, you may be sleeping better than half the people you wish you were . They may trump you at likes, money, high resolution pics until you hear why they need to snap those pictures to feel important.
Almost everyone's personality tends to be centered around putting importance on certain things. Especially things they think they lack, or were taken away or were undermined. That's why certain people get worked up about things you don't think matter, but they matter to them.
I know my own triggers , which I will keep to myself because your shadow work is for you!
I have explored the streets and alleys of my psyche to identify some of the areas I didn't realize were influencing most of what I do. Influencing what I would purchase and what I value!
I encourage everyone to be honesty introspective about themselves and pick out the probable reasons they do what they do.
The same energy you use to analyze what Stunner should have done with his career or what others could do with their money. Use that magnifying glass on your flaws and shortcomings. Rescue yourself!
Know the reasons you believe what you believe. Finally, the reason certain things agitate or trigger you more than others. There is always a story behind that and when you find it, you peel off yet another layer of an infinite onion of self discovery.