Access your hidden gateway to creativity with one simple technique!

There are probably many as ways to be creative as there are particles in the universe. The motive of this article is to make you discover a creative tool you have always had.

This is going to be very easy because I am certain you use t5hat faculty multiple times a day but maybe you've never applied it to creativity as much.

A very creative concept isnt it?

The Power of Questioning

You've probably once had a situation in life where you crossed eyes with a "stranger" whom you wer convinced you knew from somewhere. In the moment after trying to think hard who that person was you failed to get an immediate answer, thus you went about your business.

However, your subconscience did not let it go that easily. It immediately started looking up that person in the background with it's collected memories until later in the day, maybe as you were now relaxed it came up.

"Oh it's that guy from {insert what you remember them for here}"

I do not know of anyone who has never gone through that experience but I'll tell you this. It is revealing in itself of how the mind works on information.

Let me explain

Your subcosncience has a job to stay alert and look out for things that serve your survival. So anything you put some mental effort into, it will look into because it doesn't want to trivialise something that may be a threat to your livelihood.

It has to first dig out that thing you tried so much to remember to make sure it knows how it serves you. So in essense by presenting a question in your mind and putting mental effort you activate the unconscious to search for the result.

This is partly why you've been told to write down your goals (though many probably don't heed the advice and think it's enough to just know them)

If you set an intention and a question and assign no quick solution but put mental effort toward untapped territory. You have more chances of being creative.

However if you decide with to much detail what the answer or method is , then there is no need for your subconscience to look for answers for you'd have given it closure.

Be in the habit waking up and concerntrating on a question and believing there are more ideas than the ones that enter your mind at first. When you do that you leave the adaptive unconscious looking for more answers.

Don't take it from me? What do experts say/

The adaptive unconscious, first coined by Daniel Wagner in 2002, is described as a series of mental processes that is able to affect judgement and decision making, but is out of reach of the conscious mind. Architecturally, the adaptive unconscious is said to be unreachable because it is buried in an unknown part of the brain. This type of thinking evolved earlier than the conscious mind, enabling the mind to transform information and think in ways that enhance an organism's survival. - Wikidpedia (link here)

Since your mind will be primed for that, as you go about business, ideas will start to come to you on how you should go about it.

It may even open up your eyes to opportunities that were around you.

In order to invent the touch screen as we know it today Steve Jobs had to ask how we could have a button-less phone.

Basically know what you want to achieve but don't be too specific on how.

Nothing is ever done! If humanity though, ox drawn carts were the final idea in transportation we would not have cars. Closure is the worst enemy to creativity, though you must also on the other end of the spectrum not use this as an excuse for procrastination.


1. Set a goal. (what you want to see in the end)

Don't close this chapter. Always tell your mind there is room for  tweaking that goal and make it more vivid.

2. List your resources (these can be physical resources, money, social contacts, knowledge and skillsets) . Ultimately it all depends on what the goal is)

Most importantly, leave room in your mind to search for more things you did not realize could be resources.

3.  List your opportunities with those resources. Do not limit your resources to what you are conditioned to think they are for. Allow them to be all they can be. Combine them.

The people who saw how they could manipulate the rate at which a braided cotton burnt versus the rate at which wax could melt, made the first candle.

You may not be amazed by a candle today, but that's an amazing thing to have thought of from scratch. It is also still effective in present day.

4. Put mental effort to find out how to keep improving what you have but do not let the waiting stop you from applying what you have listed, for more answers will come whilst you are already active.

That action of starting regardless not closing doors to impove the goal further gives a sign to the subconscious that you mean it. It is a serious issue which you need those remaining ideas for.

5. In all this have faith that you will find answers and silence any fears of being wrong.

Remember it's a double edged sword!

Given tha t we agree on the logic behind this creative method, it means it can also be used destructively. If you put your worries on a pedestal and start tapping into your mind for worst case scenarios.

Your mind will go out of it's way to find them and to find the negatives or why something will not work, regardless any other opportunities that may say otherwise.

That's why guided meditation is one of the processes thatpeople do to quiet that negative self talk. Watch your vocabulary and actions closely. They must never be in dissonance with the intention you set.

I initially would have written half what we've come to, some ideas only came to mind whilst I was writing this article. That is the power of seeting the question and taking action.

Feel free to follow me on twitter @Mcpotar and if you are a rap fan you can also support me by listening to this new rap song I did below. Feel free to share it with your friends.

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